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Friday, September 2, 2011


Your child may have come home recently talking about "geocaching."

Geocaching is "a real world outdoor treasure hunting game. Players try to locate hidden containers called geocaches using GPS enabled devices and then share their experiences online."

Many families all over the world enjoy this hobby. The learning experiences with geocaching are endless. You can experience nature, build your geographical knowledge, and more. One of the students in our class is very involved with this hobby with her family. This week, Mr. Cash, came into our classroom as a guest speaker and told the kids about geocaching. He has purchased a "travel bug" for our class that is attached to an owl pin (of course!). The trackable owl will travel from one geocache to another as geocachers find it and move it. Throughout the year, we will check the location of our owl online. I am hoping to tie in many things from our Social Studies and Science curriculum as we explore this hobby as a class.

Soon, Mr. Cash and I are going to put out an invitation to all the families in our class to meet at a Brownsburg park on a weekend to experience geocaching together. This would totally be an optional activity, since it is on the weekend. Please do not feel like you have to become a geocacher, unless you truly are interested. The kids will be able to track our owl here at school. I do think it would be a fun learning experience if you are able to join us. Details are coming soon!!

I have added the link to the geocaching website where we will track our owl trinket on the class links on this blog. Let's see how far it travels throughout the year!! The name of our trackable is "Wise Owls" if you decide to explore the website and want to find our class trackable.

We are excited to embark on this unique learning adventure!
P.S. It is free to register on the geocaching website!!