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Monday, September 12, 2011

Busy, Busy!!

We are picking up the pace around here! Our days are extremely busy and I usually don't stop teaching until the very last possible minute. As I am sure you have probably noticed, some days (or multiple days), I don't get to sign the assignment notebook! This is because I am cramming in as many instructional minutes as possible! It is always an expectation that students make sure their parents get that assignment notebook signed. I do check it as often as possible! Here are some important things to know:

  • Classes no longer check out books every week, since we no longer have a full time media specialist. This week we will be checking out/returning books on Thursday. I will tell kids in advance when their check-out day will be. It is safe to just keep library books in backpacks, if you are a parent like me, and have too many things to keep track of already!

  • If you haven't turned in your Discover Indy books yet, please do so a.s.a.p! The fundraiser materials were due back to school last week.

  • Don't forget to collect box tops and Campbell's soup labels for school!

  • Study, study, study for Spelling! Tests are always on Thursday. Lists are always sent home on the Friday before. Practice in the car when you are going somewhere. Practice while you are making dinner or out at dinner. Practice!!!

  • Don't forget that Scrapbook Projects are due on September 26th! Only two more weekends left to work on it....

  • We are just beginning to really get into Social Studies and learning about communities and the history of Brownsburg. Right now we are building a lot of background info, and there are less grades to be had. We are not focusing on Science/Health right now, so there will not really be grades for now in those two areas. We do rather large curricular units in 2/3, like I explained at Meet the Teacher Night. This semester is heavy on Social Studies. Next semester is heavy on Science. No worries though.....lots of Social Studies grades are coming up as we dig deeper into our unit!

  • Speaking of have several graded papers heading your way! Sorry I haven't sent much home yet. Papers will be coming home throughout the week.

  • This week keep your eyes open for two invitation to attend a family geo-caching event hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Cash and a Scholastic Book Order.

Later this week, I will post some updates on curriculum and what all we are working on in the classroom!

I have said it once, and I will say it again......your children are WONDERFUL to work with! Each day is a joy and pleasure. Teaching your kids is my passion and I work very hard at making each day memorable for the kids.

Peace, Love, and Owls,

Mrs. T