Today I met with all twenty students to discuss their Invention Plan packets and their progress on the Invention project. If for some reason, you cannot find the parent packet with guidelines that was sent home last week or the timeline for the project, please let me know, so I can send home replacement copies! This weekend, try to do the following:
1. Students should revise pages 1-2 of their Plan packet, if I told them to add to it today.
2. Read through the Invention Project rubric together to know grading expectations for project.
3. Gather all materials necessary to build invention.
4. Buy a large tri-fold posterboard.
5. Begin building inventions!
6. Students need to write detailed steps on the Procedure page of their Plan packet along the way.
Usually, I am not such a stickler with timelines, but it is important that everyone stay on track with the Invention project, so the students will be ready to present on March 24th at our Invention Convention! All twenty students had interesting ideas for inventions. Please do not wait until the last minute to work on projects!
In unrelated news, report cards will be available electronically next Friday, March 18th. I will be finishing grades over the weekend. Grades will not be final until next Tuesday after 4:00 p.m.
Happy Inventing this weekend!!!