Invention Projects:
By now you should have read the Invention Guidelines and posted the timeline in a prominent place at home! By this Friday, your child should have a clear idea of what their invention will be and should have completed the first two pages of their Invention Plan Packet. Don't forget to find a large tri-fold posterboard! Also, please remember that the invention may be either a working invention or a model of the invention. Let me know if you have any questions!
What is a Simple Machine?
In Science, we will be reading about simple machines this week in our Science textbooks. Many students have been asking about simple machines, since it is a requirement to include one as a part of their invention. Simple machines include the pulley, lever, wedge, wheel and axle, inclined plane, and screw. This website may be helpful.
Feature Article Research
Students have done a great job learning how to conduct research about the famous Hoosier that they selected to study. By the end of the day tomorrow, students should be done with researching in their folders. We will do the rest of the unit in class. Students will learn how to write an article this week. Students will write rough drafts using the research they have gathered, then everyone will publish their final articles on the computers at school.
Spring Party- Items Needed
Our Spring Party will be on Friday, March 25 at 2:30 p.m. Angela Newberry has been planning a great party with the help of several other parents who have volunteered to donate items or help with games. Dawn Thomas is planning a craft for the class, and she needs everyone's help!! We need 24 1 liter clear plastic bottles with lids. Please send these in the week prior to the party, so Dawn can prepare our craft! We only have one bottle so far!
This Week's Events
Wednesday, March 9th- Spring Pictures (info has already been sent home about background choices)
Friday, March 11th- Snow Make-up Day (All Students Attend)
***Thursday, March 24th- Invention Convention in Cardinal's Cafeteria***
Round 1 of ISTEP+ went very well. The third graders stayed focused and put out their best effort. We will begin round 2 of ISTEP+ testing after Spring Break! March is a busy time of year for our class, so stay informed! Have a great week.