Here are a few things that I forgot to discuss at Meet the Teacher Night:
- When emailing me, please put "Regarding Student" in the subject line. If you put the name of your child or any other subject line, your email will be sent directly to my spam box!
- Please label your child's backpack and lunch box. Many second and third graders have the same lunch box, and there have been mix-ups each day when we return from recess.
- Please return all the forms that need to be signed (Technology Acceptable Use Policy, Publicity permission, and Emergency Closing info) by Friday.
- Please do not "pop in" to speak with me or your child throughout the day. If you need to speak to me, please email or call me and we can set up an appointment time, so we do not interrupt instructional time. The entire school is trying to enforce this policy. We appreciate your understanding!
This first week tends to be overwhelming for both students and staff! Even though I am exhausted, I am certainly excited for a great year!