We had a wonderful day at the Pittsboro One Room School. Our authentic living history experience took place on December 6, 1892. Even though I was one of the "older" students, I did try to sneak as many pictures as possible. Although, my zebra print iPhone looked extremely out of place! I was not able to photograph all of the students, unfortunately. I will take more pictures at our Pioneer Celebration on December 19th. Enjoy the pictures!
Sam looked great in his red suspenders as our schoolmarm, Miss Elizabeth, took the roll call. |
Leah and Alana enjoyed their authentic lunches together. |
Some of our boys went to the front of the class with the McGuffey readers to recite a passage. This style of teaching was called "blab school." |
Madison and Brooklyn enjoyed their authentic lunches together. |
Uh-oh!!! Look who had to wear the dunce cap! Tucker confessed to putting the frog in Miss Elizabeth's desk, so she put him in the dunce cap. He was a good sport! (sorry this is sideways) |
Poor, poor Tucker. |
Some girls took the McGuffey readers up to the front of the class for their recitation. |
More blab school... |
At recess, students played with authentic toys from the late 1800s. Many kids enjoyed chasing the hoops. |
Jackson couldn't wait to unpack his lunch from his basket! |
Maya played with the popular acrobat toy. (sorry this is sideways) |
You may be wondering if this is the schoolmarm. It is not! This is Abe's mom, who was one of the chaperones. She played Annie Sullivan in a production of the Miracle Worker and still had her costume. She looked VERY authentic! She had to go to the front of the class and show Spain on the map during our history lesson. |
Tucker enjoyed his lunch on the boy side of the room. |
A special thanks goes to the Delaware Trail PTSG for paying for this field trip, so that students could attend free of charge! A huge thanks goes to Miss Elizabeth, our schoolmarm, and Mrs. Klimenko, Mrs. Vink, and Mrs. Russell, our parent chaperones. Also, I would like to thank EVERY SINGLE parent for helping your child dress the part and pack such an authentic lunch. As a parent, I know it was extra work for you to prepare your child for this field trip. Your efforts helped the children truly experience living history. I think this was a trip they will never forget!