Also in reading, we are beginning our first class novel of the year, The Hundred Dresses. This is a great classic with many themes that are relevant to the kids' lives, such as bullying and friendship.
Last week, students took the Scholastic Reading Inventory to assess their current Lexile level. By knowing their Lexile, the kids can choose books that are more appropriate to their individual reading levels. All this week I will be administering the beginning of the year DIBELS assessment to all of the students individually. This is a test that measures their oral reading fluency. These beginning of the year assessments will help me to see what your child needs help with in reading!
Many students have been digging into our classroom library and wanting to take home books that belong to me. This is okay, as long as the books are returned and not damaged! Our classroom is built on trust, so I trust the kids to be responsible with my books.
I am so excited about all of our great readers! By the end of this week, I am hoping that all of the kids will have a book selected to read for their Top 25 goal for August! I will also send out book order forms very soon.
n of reading this week! In addition toys to reading comprehension,
we will also begin our first class novel of the year,
The Hundred Dresses
. This is a novel with a great beginningof-
year message for students about friendships and bullying. I
am also in the process of administering beginning-of-year
DIBELS assessments to all students, so there will be some
time for independent reading as well.