We have had a blast in Science during our Solar System unit! Today we learned about the phases of the moon. We recreated the phases using Oreos! Students had to be true scientists and resist the temptation to eat their supplies! Tonight students are supposed to go home and show their families the different phases with their Oreo plates!
Students were allowed to either glue their Oreos to the plate or take the Oreos home in a baggie (to possibly eat at home). Helen, like a true scientist, decided it would be better to glue her Oreos down to her plate. She was one of only two kids who chose to go that route!
Even though Logan looks very animated as he works on creating a waning gibbous, the room was actually silent! I was shocked! Chocolate?! Plastic knives?! These are usually the kinds of things that create mass excitement in our room! However, everyone was so serious about making their phases look exactly right that you could hear a pin drop!
Natalie worked very hard on her phases. She loves doing hands-on experiments!
These two best buds show off their final plates. They plan on quizzing their parents on the phases tonight! Study up, parents!
What kind of moon will you see tonight? These kids just may be able to tell you! Here are some new vocabulary words we learned today:

full moon (we all knew what this meant already)
waxing crescent
first quarter
waxing gibbous
waning gibbous
third quarter
waning crescent
new moon