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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Help Support our Troops!!

Our class is participating in a special service learning project in honor of Veteran's Day. Along with several other classrooms in Brownsburg, we will be decorating our own small Christmas tree. The Christmas trees will be sent to troops in Afghanistan and Iraq. All the trees will be judged at the end of this week, and the winner in each building will receive a treat for their classroom. This past weekend, I planned out the decorations for our tree, and I can't wait to have the kids help put it all together!

In addition to the tree decorating, we are collecting gift items for holiday care packages to be sent to our troops in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as to our Veterans at the VA Medical Center in Indianapolis. We would like to send a good collection of items with our tree.

This is where you can help!! Please send in any donations with your child by Friday morning. We have heard that the troops really like to receive candy, and instant coffee and hot chocolate packets. Here are some other ideas for donations:

Candy & Gum – Skittles, Starburst, Gummies, etc.
Snacks – Chips, Pretzels, Nuts, Beef Jerky, etc.
Individual Drink Mixes and Individual Coffee Packets
Puzzle Books
Large-size Wet Wipes/Towelettes
Reading Material – magazines, paperback books
Playing Cards, Foldable Frisbees, Hacky Sacks
Packaged Undershirts and Socks Motrin/Tylenol
Toiletry Items – Shampoo, Toothpaste, Soap, Deodorant
Chap Stick, Shaving Supplies, Lotion, Foot Powder
Cash Donations for postage accepted as well

This week I will discuss the meaning of Veteran's Day with the kids as we prepare our tree and care package for the troops!

Delaware Trail is having a special Veteran's Day convocation on Friday, November 11 at 9 am in the gym. Students are asked to wear red, white, and blue to school that day. You are invited to come and join us as we honor and say thank you to the Veteran's that have served our country.