Several parents have asked for wishlist ideas for our classroom. One parent told me that she felt that it made more sense to get teachers things they need or want for their classrooms, rather than your typical "teacher gift" for the holidays. Please know that I never expect anyone to get me a gift! I know how tight things are this time of year (and in this economy) because they certainly are tight at my house too! However, if you would like to purchase a gift for our classroom, I have compiled a list of ideas on Amazon. The gift ideas are either books that would work well with units that we will be doing in 2nd semester, games for our frequent winter indoor recesses, or supplies that we need. I also took into account the interests of your children when choosing items! Mrs. Nelson was very sweet to make tags to hang on my chalkboard, so that no one buys the same thing. If you are interested in buying a gift for our classroom, take a look at the list on Amazon and have your child come in and take that tag off of our chalkboard. The items do not have to be purchased from Amazon because many of them can be found at stores right here in town. Happy Holidays!!!
Click on the link below to view our wishlist.
Mrs. Terry's Classroom Wishlist