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Friday, September 24, 2010

Dog Jog Champions!!!

I am very proud to announce that our class had the most donations for Dog Jog in the entire school, which earned us an extra recess! I do not know the exact amount, but I heard that it was more than $600.00!!! That is truly incredible from our small (but mighty) class.

We also had the most laps in our grade level, which earned us a second extra recess! Our class picture will be displayed in the school trophy until next year's Dog Jog.

Now for individual awards....

Molly Romine was the girl in our class with the most laps (10 laps).
Max Newberry was the boy in our class with the most laps (12 laps).

Both students earned ribbons for this achievement.

Max Newberry also won a medallion for having the most laps in 3rd grade!!!

Congratulations to our wonderful class. The school benefits from the donations greatly. Thanks for the support with Dog Jog and for cheering your children on!

I knew that we had a class of champions!!!